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Iced Tea or bust!

May 4, 2011

Thank you Facebook Fan Debbie for making the suggestion of ‘Iced Tea’ for our 350 Degrees of Cake challenge…

How does one get from Iced Tea to Cake?  The answer is not easily!!  However, I was DETERMINED…

I have always wondered what is correct…iced tea or ice tea…had I known all along that the answer right there in Wikipedia this lingering question would have been solved long ago…(and one must ALWAYS believe what the internet says!)

As usual…starting with the definition: Iced tea (sometimes corrupted to ice tea) is a form of cold tea, often served in a glass with ice.  It may or not be sweetened.

I must confess…it was SUPER tempting to just run with the SWEET angle on this one but decided that just wasn’t playing fair.

So, let’s begin…

Iced tea the DRINK:  In the U.K., they prefer it HOT…but here in the US of A,  ICED tea makes up 85% of all tea consumed and is a popular alternative to soft drinks.  While looking for some iced tea facts, I came across more than one website dedicated entirely to tea!  Wowsers…who knew!?!

Ice-T the MUSICIAN and ACTOR:  I was really hoping for some outrageous and funny direction from there…but NOTHING!!!

About now, there is legitimate concern that I will be defeated by Iced Tea.  I am STRUGGLING…but one must never give up!

Iced tea the BRAND:  Lipton Iced Tea is a popular brand of tea…and every brand needs a spokesperson!  In walks Hugh Jackman…(I think I may be on to something here, and I am not at all disappointed this direction involves Hugh Jackman!)

The (looking) Jackman has been in many movies…most notably, the X-Men series and another lesser known film titled Someone Like You…His co-star in this movie was Ashley Judd…Ashley has some pretty famous relatives…her sister, Wynona Judd is a country singer…one of her songs is called ‘A Girls Night Out’…one form of a girls night is the popular tradition of bachelorette party…

I ALMOST just took this the direction of wedding but since I have referenced wedding cake as the solution previously, I decided to make myself to get more creative.

…so picking up from bachelorette party…a bachelorette party, hen party, or hen night is held for someone who is about to get married…hens lay eggs…and well…eggs are in CAKE.

Whew!  That was EXHAUSTING! But alas…the SWEET powers of cake have prevailed!

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